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Export Access to Excel Over 65000 Rows – Ultimate Guide

Published By Nilesh Kumar
Debasish Pramanik
Approved By Debasish Pramanik
Published On June 20th, 2024
Reading Time 11 Minutes Reading
Category Access

Indeed, migration is a difficult task especially while performing a task such as export access to Excel over 65000 rows file. But, the process can be simplified by employing the right information and approach. In this aspect, we have prepared this blog to smoothen your conversion procedure. Here, in this piece of information, you will learn different techniques to export multiple tables from Access database (more than 65000 records) to Excel.

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Terms to Know for Export All Tables from Access to Excel

Before going into the main context of “how to export 1 million records from Access database to Excel”, let’s first understand the terminologies.

Microsoft Access is a popular database management application. Generally, this utility is used for storing data in an organized way. This is helpful for personal, business, and enterprise users to easily manage a large amount of information. MS Access stores the data in 2 file formats i.e., MBD and ACCDB. In the earlier versions like MS 2003 and older, MDB is the only transferable format. However, in the latest version, ACCDB file format is used.

Microsoft Excel is a potent spreadsheet system founded by Microsoft. In particular, it is part of Microsoft Office Suite and is mainly used for several purposes such as data analysis, financial modeling, and data representation. Therefore, it is essential to know how to extract data from Access database to Excel. Excel comes in a grid interface of rows and columns. Also, it creates a worksheet that contains formulas, functions, and charts. Besides this, it offers a range of features that include calculation, pivot tables, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), and many more.

Now you have learn the all the terms before knowing the benefit of export access to excel over 65000 rows.

Benefits of Export Access to Excel Over 65000 Rows

Here are some of the advantages of the question on”how to export large data from MS Access to Excel”:

Easy Data Analysis – Allows the users to perform complex calculations, prepare representations, create charts, and generate insights into the Access Data.

Intuitive Presentations – Making it easy for the user to present and share data with individuals who are not familiar with the Access database table structure.

Data Manipulation – Excel software is instilled with numerous functions which is ideal for Access data analysis. Moreover, it enables the users to filter and organize information in a flexible and customizable format.

Offline Access – If you have an unstable or unavailable internet connection, you can easily open the Access database files in Excel.

Easy Sharing – Around the globe, the Excel file format is widely accepted. As a result, sharing and distribution of data with colleagues, clients, or other stakeholders is made simple.

Integration with Other Tools – Excel can easily integrate with other Microsoft Office tools, making it a versatile option for users.

Now with this knowledge in mind, let’s look into the methods to export all tables/records from Access database to Excel (more than 1048576 rows).

Method 1: Method to Export Access to Excel Over 65000 Rows Using the VBA Editor

Please note that if there are more than 1048576 rows in the Excel spreadsheet then you arel not be able to import the data. If the total for your table, query, or database is more than (1048575 rows for data plus 1 for headers) Therefore it will be shown an error and the extra records will not transfer.if you don’t have this much of data then you can follow the below code to to convert access to excel.

  • To export access to Excel over 65000 rows then you have to open the database file that contains the table.
  • Use the “Developer” tab on the ribbon and select “Visual Basic” or hit “Alt + F11” in Access to launch the VBA Editor.
  • Press the Right-click on “Modules” in the Project Explorer → “Insert”“Module” in the VBA Editor.
  • Copy the code which is given below and paste it into the new module of the VBA Editor.
  • To export an Access table change “C:\YourDatabasePath\Database.accdb” and “YourTableName” in the code to the original path and name of the table. The exact same path and filename of the existing Excel workbook should be substituted for “C:\Path\To\ExistingWorkbook.xlsx”.
  •  Additionally, enter the desired target worksheet name in the “TargetSheetName” field.
  • List References (If Applicable): You may need to set references to the Microsoft Excel Object Library and the Microsoft Access Object Library if you haven’t already. In the VBA Editor, navigate to “Tools”“References” and tick the corresponding boxes to accomplish this.
  • Execute the code: To run the code, press either “F5” or the “Play” button. As an alternative, you can highlight the Export Access To Excel process and hit “F5”.

Note: The function will generate a new Excel workbook using the default sheet name if you do not supply these arguments.

Sub ExportTableToExcel()
Dim appExcel As Object
Dim wb As Object
Dim ws As Object
Dim rs As Object
Dim strSQL As String
Dim i As Integer

‘ Create a new instance of Excel application to export access to excel over 65000 rows
Set appExcel = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
appExcel.Visible = True ‘ Set to True if you want Excel to be visible

‘ Create a new workbook to export access to excel over 65000 rows
Set wb = appExcel.Workbooks.Add

‘ Create a new worksheet to export large amounts of data from Access to Excel
Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)

‘ Set up a recordset to retrieve data from the Access table
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(“SELECT * FROM MyTable”)

‘ Export table headers to Excel
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count – 1
ws.Cells(1, i + 1).Value = rs.Fields(i).Name
Next i

‘ Export table data to Excel
ws.Range(“A2”).CopyFromRecordset rs

‘ Clean up
Set rs = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Set appExcel = Nothing
End Sub

How to Export All Tables from Access to Excel (XLS) (Manually) – Things to Consider

In short, listed below are some of the common things that occur when we export all access tables to Excel (more than 1048576 rows) manually:

  • While in the Excel application, you can easily import or export the data.
  • However, if you export access to excel over 65000 rows, it copies only a certain set of data to an Excel file.
  • Mostly, tables, queries, forms, and reports are easily exported without any problem.
  • However, the macros or modules are not exported in a similar way.
  • On the other hand, if you have forms or reports with subforms, subreports, or sub datasheets in them. Here only the main file gets exported.
  • However, possibly, it is one of the handy ways to migrate the specific data without the need for manual entry.

Method 2 – Manual Solution on How to Extract Data From Access to Excel Multiple Sheets via MS Access

If you perform a search on how to export access to excel over 65000 rows on the internet, you will find several solutions. But for the sake of simplicity, we have catered down the best working solution for you. Follow the free solution to transfer Access records to Excel (.xls) (more than 1048576 rows) file format without any data loss.

Step 1. Launch the MS Access software on your computer.

Step 2. Locate and Open the database that contains the desired tables you want to export.

Step 3. In the database explorer panel on the left, choose the table to convert into Excel.

Step 4. Next, select the “External Data” Tab available at the top of the Access Window.

Step 5. After that, under the “External Data” Tab, you will see an option for “Excel” or “Excel Spreadsheet.” Hit on it.

Step 6. Then, a dialog box will appear. Here, enter the details such as the file name, location, and any other relevant information.

Step 7. Depending on the Version of Access you use, choose the export options accordingly. Henceforth, specify the way you want to export the data i.e. a table structure, note, and many more.

Step 8. Once you are done with the configuration settings, click on “Finish” or “OK” to begin the export process.

Step 9. At last, open the exported Excel file and review the data.

Note: Remember that the practical steps may vary slightly from the above-mentioned procedure depending on the version of Microsoft Access you are in. However, this process is the basic blueprint of conversion execution. Besides this, if you find any other prompts or options in between the migration, check them based on your preferences.

Method 3 – How to Export All Tables From Access to Excel? – Using Excel

For better data analysis and reporting capabilities, one may like to export Access database (more than 65000 records) to Excel. In this section, we will use a Microsoft Excel workbook to import all the essential data from Access. This is just to make the export access to excel over 65000 rows possible. Let’s find out how:

Open Excel – Launch Microsoft Excel on your PC.

Navigate to the “Data” Tab – Next, tap on the “Data” button present in the Excel Ribbon.

Choose “Get Data” – Then, navigate to the “Get Data” or “Get External Data,” depending on the Excel version you are using.

Select “From Database” and “From Access” – After that, hit on the “From Database” tab and select “From Microsoft Access” from the dropdown menu.

Connect to Access Database – In the “Import Data” dialog box, browse to the location where your Access database file is present. Click “Import.”

Choose the Access Table – Henceforth, in the Navigator window, choose the table or query you want to import. At the end, tap on “Load” to add the data into Excel.

Configure Import Options – Here, you have different options to configure import like sorting, filtering, or transforming the data. Press on the “OK” or “Load” to proceed.

Verify Imported Data

  • Import Access table into Excel worksheet.
  • Review and adjust imported data as needed.

By using the above method, you can effortlessly export large amount of data from Access to Excel. Remember to refresh the data, once exported or linked to the Access database.

Drawbacks in the Manual Method to Export Access to Excel Over 65000 Rows

Given below are a few of the significant challenges in the free solution to Export Access Database to Excel Spreadsheet:

  • A time-consuming process, especially with large datasets.
  • Requires technical knowledge, limiting accessibility.
  • Prone to errors, risking data loss or inaccuracies.
  • Dependency on Microsoft Access software for execution.
  • An inherent risk of data loss due to potential mistakes.
  • Involves complex procedures, less user-friendly.
  • Not scalable for efficient handling of large databases.
  • Limited automation, unsuitable for repetitive or batch conversions.

Time Saving Solution to Export 1 Million Records from Access to Excel

If you think the manual steps are suitable to export access to excel over 65000 rows then you might be wrong. This is because the free or easily accessible solution comes with several limitations. If your time is precious or important then you can use the powerful tool i.e. Access Converter to export access to excel over 65000 rows  and the standout choice with its special features to extract data from Access database to .xlsx format.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many rows can Access export to Excel?

Ans. It totally depends on the versions you are using, let’s check out:

  • If you are using Excel 2003 and older versions, the maximum number of rows in a worksheet is 65,536. Due to this, you must have noticed that most of the articles on Google SERP, focus on export access to excel over 65000 rows.
  • Moreover, if you have Microsoft Excel 2019 and the latest versions, Microsoft 365 (Excel in the cloud) supports a maximum of 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns.

Q. How do I export large amounts of data from Access to Excel?

Ans. Following is the manual and free method:

  • Open your Access database.
  • Select the table, query, or form containing the data you want to export.
  • Go to the “External Data” tab to export access to excel over 65000 rows.
  • Choose “Excel” from the “Export” group.
  • Follow the wizard to specify the Excel file name and location.
  • In the “Save as type” dropdown, choose “Excel Workbook (*.xlsx).”
  • Click “OK” to start the export.

Q. How to convert MS Access 32-bit to 64-bit?

Ans. If you have an MDB or ACCDB file (32-bit) and want to convert to ACCDB (64-bit). Then, follow the guide:

  • Install and open this converter tool.
  • Click “Browse” to load the .mdb (32-bit) or .accdb (32-bit)
  • Preview records in the Tool Explorer.
  • Choose MS Access (.accdb/.mdb) export format (64-bit) from the dropdown list.
  • Click “Export/Save” to start the process.

Also Read: How to Convert ACCDB to MDB without Access File Format


By Nilesh Kumar

As a Chief Technical Writer, I know the technical issues faced by home and professional users. So, I decided to share all my knowledge via this blog. I love to help you with challenges while dealing with technical jargon.